Changes & details will come soon!!!
Silent Auction
Bid on a large variety of merchandise from local businesses.
Mark 9:36-37
He put a child in the middle of the room. Then, cradling the little one in his arms, he said, "Whoever embraces one of these children as I do, embraces me, and far more than me---God who sent me"
Free Pregnancy Test
Free Ultrasounds (limited obstetrical)
(Prenatal & Parenting Lessons) and now offering Bright Course. Bright course can be sent electronically to our clients to view on their laptop or cell phone.
Bible Studies
Practical Fatherhood class
Options Counseling
Maternity Clothes & Baby Items
Resources & community referrals
Adoption information & counseling
Post abortive support
When I walked in the Republic Pregnancy Resource Center I felt welcomed and loved. I was 13 years old and Pregnant. The mentor talked to me about my options. I wanted to parent and they said they would help me with parenting classes and resources for my baby. I am still coming to the Pregnancy Resource Center and my sweet baby girl is 14 months old. I hope to give back to them someday.
Some of my strongest role models are at the Republic Pregnancy Resource Center. They do not judge, they just accept me.
Keep going, you have done great things for me and my children.
The ladies are amazing, I love this place.
The Republic Pregnancy Resource center is amazing, you have been here for me through everything. Love you all!
Best place ever, everyone is so nice.
Thank you so much for all your help, the center is so welcoming, the staff is loving and caring.
I appreciate everything this place has done for me, one day I will pay you guys back, that way I can help a Mom like I was!
Chair: Marlene Klepees
Vice Chair: Joy Miracle
Secretary: Debbie Fetters
Treasurer: Debbie Fetters
Members: Deb Demanche,
Pat Sandstrom and Jason McCully.
We are 501 (c) 3 Pro-life Ministry, we do not receive funds from the State or Federal governments. We depend on support from our community.
Please click on the link below to donate.